Thursday 12 September 2013

How to wash makeup brushes

Washing my makeup brushes is one of my worst jobs but most satisfying once it's done! (A bit like ironing a pile of clothes you haven't done in ages, or clearing out a messy drawer).

Washing brushes regularly is so important to do. Grubby brushes can cause spots, as all the oil and bacteria from your face sits on them and goes in and out of your makeup, infecting your makeup pots. They should (in theory) be cleaned weekly, if you are wearing makeup everyday, however, if busy lives and putting off the task means you do it less regularly, it's really important to do it properly using a proper brush cleanser that will be antibacterial.

There are several different things you can use to wash your brushes, without spending a fortune.

- Gentle shampoo, a baby shampoo or something mild and sensitive.
- Antibacterial handwash, this may leave them feeling slightly brittle so you may need a tiny dab of conditioner afterwards.
- Olive oil

I personally like to make sure that all the nasty germs that might make me break out are dead and gone every time I clean them so I use the Mac brush cleanser. It's only £10 and lasts for ages so definitely worth it to keep your brushes fluffy, soft and hygienic!

Buy the brush cleanser here

 When washing the brush. Dampen it slightly, and then add a small amount of your cleanser or shampoo. Swirl it around in the palm of your hand ensuring it really lathers up and gets into the whole brush.

Squeeze the end of the brush (I find this bit quite satisfying), and watch all the makeup ooze out.

Repeat and rinse until the water runs clear!

When drying your brushes always leave them horizontal on some kitchen roll. If left upright, the water can go into the brush and get to into the glue, making them moult.

Hello there

Hello there, I'm not really sure how to welcome people to a blog! Hello, bonjour and welcome...This is my third attempt of starting a blog, Yes third! But previously I wasn't really convinced that people would want to hear about my day to day life living in Devon and working in a building society! 
However, after following numerous beautiful blogs and following many fashion and cosmetic gurus on various social networking sites I have been itching to have my say on my biggest love in life (cosmetics!) and other random things that I get up to. So what better way than to share it on a blog.

A little about me. I am 23, I currently live in North Devon by the coast. It's absolutely gorgeous here, especially in summer. I have a boyfriend called Jack and I am currently working in a well-known building society.  I love travelling, eating out, pampering and generally having fun (who doesn't I guess)

Now you know the basics you ought to know that my life has been extremely up and down this year with various dramas that I shant bore you with. Me and Jack did a ski season last year from December until April, it was absolutely amazing and we definitely caught the travelling bug. We whipped straight off to the USA in May for a month and visited New York and Colorado. Its safe to say the first half of my year was pretty sweet. Summer, on the other hand, has sucked pretty big time, so we have decided to leave sensible, safe North Devon, quit our jobs and head off on another adventure! First stop is France again and then onto the rest of the world.

I will be updating this blog with various bits and bobs I find along my travels. I will be sharing my travelling photos and experiences and also reviewing beauty products and cosmetics along the way. I hope you enjoy it and find a it little bit interesting :)

Jazz xx

Jack and I on the top of the Rockefeller centre New York

The view from our kitchen from our house in France

After an evening surf in Polzeath, Cornwall